pito costa
Keyboards, Music Production
Musician and music producer. Director of the music production company Tales So.
Born in Badalona and currently residing in the town of Baell, in the municipality of Campelles (Catalan Pyrenees). He is a technician in image and sound operations, a certified mid-mountain guide, and a self-taught musician and music producer.
He started out as a dubbing sound technician at the Soundtrack, Estudi-84 and Gestmusic studios together with the sound engineers Joan Vidal, Joan Sirvent and David Casamitjana. He worked as a camera operator at the Barcelona'92 Olympics.
Until now, he has combined the tasks of sound technician in music recording (Lluís Llach, Carles Casas, Lax´n´busto, G. Moustaki, etc.) and sound post-production (Estudio-84, Sonodigio and Duy), along with musical composition and production in the audiovisual sector.
In 1993, together with Carles Mateu, he founded the company Tales So, specialized in the creation, composition, realization, recording and production of soundtracks and music in the audiovisual sector.
He has composed and produced more than 350 songs for advertising spots around the world: Coca-Cola, Sanex, San Miguel, Fortuna, Repsol, Codorniu, Freixenet, Dodot, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona City Council, Camy, Cola- cao etc.
In the world of theater he has composed and produced music for companies such as La Fura dels Baus, La Industrial Teatrera, La Guilla Teatre, Xirriquiteula and La Tal.
For television, he has composed compositions for the programs: Zona Zaping, Polònia, Café de Ideas, Gent de Mercats, Ask Lara, Petits Mestres, etc.
He has also worked on the composition of music for the cinema: Condenados (Isaki Lacuesta), The mystery of Sigena (together with Andrea Motis), The Dragon House (Jon Garaño), etc., documentaries and exhibitions: 100th anniversary Catalana Occidente, Món Casteller, Méliès at the Caixafòrum, Diaghilev, Barcelona Grec Festival, Porta Ferrada Festival, etc.
In 1999 he created the symphonic rock group Pi-2, with the realization of 4 albums, the last of which, Silent Running, was listed as one of the best albums of the year 2009 by the specialized magazine I / O Pages.
His passion for the mountains and his knowledge in the audiovisual sector have allowed him to work as a high-altitude cameraman in climbing productions and mountain documentaries by the production companies Pix Peak and Estimball Films.
He currently combines his life as a musician and mountaineer with the teaching of workshops "Why does the cinema have music?" at the Film Library of Catalonia.